
but she envisions the effort as setting an example for other women who are interested in STEM-related fields.

Dad, you were never exactly the shit either so shut the fuck up.

What everybody is thinking:

Another name for startup? “disorganized, exploitative, imminent failure”?

As an artist let me say; a lot of people are going to miss the point of this saying.

All art is a derivation of previous art. Even something new and original like the seminal cyberpunk book, Neuromancer, stole straight from noir and beat writers.

It’s not about outright stealing, it’s about putting it into the pot of

My old-ass V8 makes 90% of peak torque by 2000 RPM.

If filling the roads with an opaque black fog is freedom of speech, so is me blowing your tire out with a shotgun.

Not an abnormal landing view, the mountain tends to be there in the same spot.

I flipped the river, but now all I see is a gold dress.

I need to get her to sign my 1986 McDonnell

I thought it was because Microsoft’s browser team felt like they were up against hopeless odds but were gonna go down swinging anyway.

It just means that you doubled your money in 4 years. That’s a significant ROI.

IRC + Giphy = $$$

We are so, so lucky in Lansing’s Westside neighborhood. We have full gigabit internet (1,000 up, 1,000 down) for just $49/month with NO contract and NO set up fee — not even for the equipment. And it’s flawless.

The chances of us getting another one are approximately 3722 to 1.

Required XKCD.

You would think that, if it were a sponsored post rather than a legitimate news item on a tech blog about a massive price point threshold being broken on a very important tech product.