
Is it as hard to trim out the elevator in real life as it is in MSFS 2020? I can’t figure it out for the life of me.

Killing EVs. Over and over and over and over.

My home theater setup sounds better and looks better than nearly any theater in my area. I also have a stocked fridge. And I don’t have to talk to people. Win win.

Things like The Onion aren’t funny anymore, because the truth is weirder and more fucked up than parody.

That should either be a 200 OK or one of a few 3xx codes for a redirect. 4xx are errors.

This guy gets it:

I bet you’re a hit at parties.

Yes, I’m sure that the mere .22% of people in major urban centers without running water care as deeply about statistics as you do.

That LG CX OLED panel can be had for $50 cheaper as Costco and Best Buy. Costco’s comes with a $100 Hulu gift code and an Allstate/Squaretrade warranty.

That LG CX OLED panel can be had for $50 cheaper as Costco and Best Buy. Costco’s comes with a $100 Hulu gift code

He’s on blood thinners for what was likely a mild stroke. Half of his face droops more than the other. I mean, there’s a lot of drooping anyway but it’s more noticeable on one side.

This is Fucking Art. Or, you know, fucking something.

What the fuck is the bronzer nastiness caked on his face? Is he...trying to look like his boss that much?

You sound like a terrible parent.

“Back in my day!”

“iT’s nOt HaRd To WrItE dEcEnTlY.” they wrote, undecently.

I also live with cat.

You should get your eyes checked then.

Kind of. If you’re slow and you just skim something, your shields take a hit. If your shields or hull are low and do a head on collision or you’ll explode in pretty epic fashion.

I would be playing Star Wars Squadrons with a flight stick, but they built a 20% deadzone in to X,Y axes which makes it unplayable with a HOTAS/flightstick. There’s an easy fix in a config file, but it triggers EAC. Really disappointing. :(

Imagine being this proud of being this ignorant. But then again, I don’t have to because there you are.