
Gee, another tool for FICO and the credit industry to fuck people over with.

I like the challenge and tell the story of the coal miner’s grifter’s son. The coal miner gets black-lung disease, life in prison, his son gets it, then his son. If I had been the son of a coal miner, grifter I would have left the damn mines grift. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their m

Well...Hit a cat at 55 on the freeway in my Miata. The body shop I went to did extra research to get the color right. You really can’t tell.

Has anyone verified that those names appeared before or after the kids went missing? And for how long after?

I wouldn’t mind this being an option, but muscle memory is powerful and this being automatic on most Android installs just messes me up.

Daily ND driver checking in. Can confirm.

Two things:

Read the update on this Ars Technica article. There’s a response from Twin Galaxies:

That’s just fake engine sounds in the stereo, with extra steps.

*laughs in big smiley Miata grille*

Without a strong response from the military to refuse to carry out unconstitutional commands, I don’t have a lot of hope.

If he gets re-elected”, the current riots will look extremely tame compared to what we see today. This country will not go gently into that bad night.

Good question, and one that makes Android such a bear to live with at times. The README in the article seems to speak to that:

Now that’s some serious fuck-you money.

This is how I feel about nearly every online game anymore. It starts to feel like grindy obsessiveness is part of the system requirements.

This is the quality take I come to expect from the Jalopnik commentariat. Bravo!

I don’t agree. :) I loved AC 1 and 2 right up until this moment. “It’s ancient aliens!” was such a bullshit, unoriginal, cop-out, cliche trope. I hated it so, so much. It robbed the entire story of any satisfaction for me.

The dopamine rush of fitting square pegs in round holes...humanity has evolved too quickly.

It’s not Evil Week, why are you posting this?!