
You and I just funding both sides at that point. It's an enormous waste of money.

I used to think this way about camera support until a fellow photographer related a story about a cheap tripod failing and breaking the lens and camera. If you've spent $3000+ on a camera and lens (in the OP's case, about $1400 retail), why would you trust your camera to a cheap $50 tripod?

Those are like the Pixelmator or GIMP of sound. Pro Tools is the Photoshop of sound: slow, bloated, and sadly the only thing that gets the job done much of the time.

Dark Tower series is this way, at least for me. I haven't managed to get past book 4 at this point. 1 and 2 were amazing reads, 3 was a hike to get through but had it's good points. Wizard & Glass is a slog I visit for 15-20m increments once every few months hoping I can break through and start giving a shit again. I

According to the report, which is scant on technical details, DARPA engineers dialed in through the Impala's OnStar system, transmitted a data packet that confused the internal computers, and then planted a malicious bit of code that allowed it to reprogram control systems on the ECU.

Welcome to Bridgetown!

Oh, but dude, it's Gawker!

You've outed yourself, but next time just send something to tips@gawker.com. Sounds like a juicy story to me.

Blade Runner much?

I say we let nature take its course.

Words are wind.

Republique is still 4.99, and the Infinity Blade Trilogy link doesn't load in the US store...

Dammit, you beat me to it!

Lens cap is probably still on...

This is why Jalopnik kicks ass.

I can't speak for Android as I do not use it, but on iOS file management and the inability for most apps to work with one another without kludgy share menu options (that do not work well, or often times, at all) is what makes the iPad utterly useless for any real work. If you don't use iCloud or even Dropbox you're

My iPhone 5 and my iPad 2 took iOS 8 just fine. The iPad is a tad sluggish and there's a hint of delay in the 5, but it's not terrible.

The last time I bought a Volkswagen with 75k on the clock, it didn't end well.