
These small bottles are awesome for packing small quantities of shampoo, body wash, and sunscreen when you're on the go, and the large (3 oz.) version is on sale today. They even have suction cups to stick to the walls in your hotel's bathroom. [Humangear GoToob Large Travel Bottle, $20)]

You can explain it away that this is 'Murica and we don't like hatch-em-mah-bobs, so give us a see-dan Volt.

Simmer down now, son.

Simmer down now, son.

Digital EQs generally sound like poop unless the bit-depth of the source (24-bit) is higher than the output (16-bit). The more you tweak the signal, the worse it will sound. With the way music is mastered nowadays, you'll find that you have even less tweaking room in terms of the music itself, outside of the bit-depth…

bcc: legal counsel

Doesn't matter. If he swept the floors he's still a hero to me.

Yikes, first day in a while that's rained like a wet hell around here and you're bombing that thing around a fairly technical track.

Say it together: "WD-40 is a solvent, not a lubricant."

I still prefer cold beer, whether I'm drinking IPAs, stouts, lagers, bocks, etc. Maybe I'm just conditioned to?

I imagine once global warming really takes hold, previously uninhabitable tundra like this will suddenly become very temperate.

Yes. Also, 1000 dick pics is equal to 1 tit pic. 1 tit pic is like 10 USD.

What's the difference between Joe Biden and Bill Clinton?


Yeup. Camera wasn't even operated very smoothly. Just like steadicams, sliders, and jibs these things take lots, and lots, and lots of practice to get right.

While I imagine maneuvers like this are tough on the airframe, it's nice to know that the aircraft is capable of things like this—especially in an emergency.

The car is a head turner, and I make a point of craning to see them.

Everyone has their own way of loading the dishwasher. This organization method, however, might be the best way for maximum cleanliness. (And if you're one of those types who cleans dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, seriously, stop.)

You're damn right it's pronounced this way.

Can I attach umbrellas or light boxes?