
Hmm, Wes apparently wasn't there.

I know that feels, bro. I hated the time in mine, but it was an old car and had lots of problems. That 3.5L could haul ass though, and made a nice noise doing it. A light car would've been better.

Whisky, neat. None of this potato-derived rubbing alcohol you people are so keen on.

You're the best Gawker has right now. Seriously.

Your sentence make doesn't sense words.

HBO, because even though it's porny there's a great story.

I like big lenses and I cannot lie

Does this guy drive it?

Get it off! Get it off!

The biggest problem? Line breaks of any variety other than Windows breaks don't show properly. There's a laundry list of others, like syntax highlighting, line numbering, way better find/replace, line-wrapping, etc.

This is the whole thing in a nutshell. A succinct, squirrel-shit-covered nutshell.

I saw on these monstrosities in real life, and thought to myself, "My god, what they hell were they thinking?" It's even longer, taller, and uglier in real life.

This may or may not be from a dream sequence, FYI.

The right drug-de-jour and anything is great for 90 minutes.

Overly expensive Taco Del Mar...

PNY 128GB USB 3.0 Turbo Flash Drive ($50) | Amazon

A lot of regular lights (including some tungsten) dump out a much narrower part of the spectrum, which means you'll get some ugly colors once that narrow spectrum bounces off your subject into your camera. This is one of the major issues with most cheap LEDs and CFLs.

"But the mirrors outside aren't aimed right, so we're running at one percent efficiency. And I guess that just isn't good enough for some assholes."

Well played.