
The sword of William Wallace. No one knows exactly what it looked like (the one pictured is unlikely to be the true sword). Claymore that William Wallace strode into battle with will forever be the coolest sword to me.

Don't be fatuous Jeffrey.

Hillary Clinton agrees with your hypothesis.

Hey, I might not have had time to read it otherwise.

Now playing

I knew quite a few of these, but the daily tot was really interesting to me. So was the vodka statistic about Russia. Incredible. That's around over two fifths, every month.

He's checking to see how many bodies he can cram in there.

I want to be one of those bodies that medical students cut up and learn from. I'd rather give back than be buried in a place that no one will visit anyway.

I've never seen anyone, "nice," in a lifted bro-truck.

Eh? Growlers are meant to be reused. Take them back in and have them refilled.

Can you provide some data?

This gif. This gif times one sixteen thousand bajillion.

Netvibes was pretty close, last time I used it. That was a while ago though.

Up until 2009, VW South Africa was still producing Mk 1 Golfs. I was amazed to find that out.

My '01 VR6 (!) Jetta has 150k on the clock. My brother's 1.8T '99 Passat has somewhere near 200k. Both run decently well, with a few niggles and crap-outs over the years.

You're outta your element Donny.

My dick isn't usually very sarcastic. I try not to listen to him very often, he can get me into all sorts of trouble.

A dick? Seriously? Is sarcasm that hard to read on the internet?

You know what? You're right. I was wrong in pigeon-holing their race.