
Back in my day all tabletop RPGs were multi-player, uphill both ways in the snow, and we liked it.

That's not sexism, per se.

Interesting. On the XBOX360 I can see what my friends are watching, and have been able to since...well forever.

RSS works fine for me with Jalopnik. Kinja kinda sucks but I'm OK with it. The site's way faster than the current flavors of Gawker/Gizmodo.


I know it's a looping GIF, but I have this strange desire to keep watching, to keep hoping, to keep believing that he might get that thing out of there.

Well I'd just buy a new one, but then again I guess there's not much of a market for new heads out there right now.

That bar on the left is the new Facebook itself. It's not Rockmelt. The browser tool bar is just a mock up that the designers used to take emphasis away from the browser for presentation purposes.

Seriously? Look I like to eat meat like any red-blooded human, but what the hell kind of sick asshole knows there's something there and just sort of say to himself, "Fuck it, I'll leave it there." If he assumed it had ran away after he banged the side of car he's nuts. Cats don't just disappear. They make a god-awful

Xbox is not iCloud. Sony is not iCloud. Blackberry, well that's a little closer.

Damn straight. I only "faked" open and self-asserting body language for about a month before it became habitual. At that point I actually felt internally self-asserted. In many way, studying and applying body language has changed my life.

That gun has a kick. Nagants are fun.

I found the designer's, um, "inspiration."

Having driven two LHs lately, I can tell you with supreme confidence that no amount of engineering black-magicks and/or RWD voodoo could fix it.

This looks shopped.

Maker's is good for...uhm...whisky sours, yeah that's it. Maker's is good for whisky sours. I like it in that. I can't find any other use for most any bourbon though.

Knock it? Hardly. I'm pointing out the OP's foolish statement. You can build the most amazing, technically excellent work but if you can't make it useful for humans then it's damn near pointless. That's the brilliance of Jobs and Apple.

Because many companies will sit on the problem for weeks if not months. Just because a researcher has found it doesn't mean it's getting dealt with. Moreover, you'll find that exploits are often found in the wild even when a researcher hasn't released in information to the public.

I'll happily be a creepy third wheel. I'll invite myself if that sort of thing is awkward for you.