
It looks like someone mashed a Scirocco and an earlier gen SRT4 together.

That'd look totally awesome on my desk. Do want.


I've exactly nothing of value to add to this meeting of minds. Instead I will offer this super neato picture of Carl Sagan with some crass text superimposed on it.

My 11 year old mind is telling me that if it aint in the DuPont Registry it aint legit.

Understatement of the year.

Most exciting Camry ever?


I've been wanting to get the Season Pass since I bought Borderlands 2 on Steam a few days ago for 30USD. With your link, and a 30% off coupon code I found I just bought it for 10.50, because it's on sale for 15 right now by itself. You rock!

I really hate this time of the year.

People with this plate, or driving like they have this plate, here in Washington and Oregon.

Self-expression was squelched for damn near a century in Russia. It's little wonder they have no sense of good taste.

Two DualShock controllers but no Saturn controller? For shame Kotaku, for shame.

I've never had any good luck using the serach portion of any of the Google Maps apps, online, iOS, Android, or even on WebOS. Just shitty results damn near every time. I could search for a place that's nearby and I'd end up with some place 15 states away on the other side of the country. This wasn't a list of results

Dammit, you beat me to it.

That don't look right.

Suddenly, Gizmodo makes sense.

LEGO Falcon was on our wedding registry.

I tend to think this one is the best.

José Cuervo: for a bad time.