
Article said he was arrested a half hour after the car was wrecked.

It's a 3.8L V8, with two turbos. Rather quite literally more bang for your buck.

It's America. Nothing makes sense here!

Quoth the Spinelli, "That's why we're considering in-cabin engine noise in the audio category."

I love this.

José Cuervo: Shitty times with friends.

Although I'm on the same page that they need to bring something like that here, I just feel it shouldn't be something that got it's face beat in with a fugly stick.

That GIF is terrific.

I'm glad to see that NASA hasn't completely given up on doing totally batshit engineering programs. I know this isn't Apollo, but it excites me that we're still exploring, we're still pushing the technological boundaries, and we're still doing exploratory science for the sake of doing exploratory science.

I think Zuck needs a taste of his own medicine, but if this is the best we can come up with...well...

CompuServe Information Service. CompuServe...Now, that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time.

It's all...swoopy.

I use LastPass—assuming they don't Screw Everything Up—my use of 12-24 character random passwords, that are different on every account (sub accounts too, like hosting panel/shell/sql passwords) means that if one goes down I'm not screwed everywhere.

Ninkasi Total Domination remains the gold IPA standard for me, it's not overly hoppy but has more kick than most. Variety is the spice of life though, so I drink Deschutes Inversion (and Red Chair, when available), Bridgeport IPA etc. Hop Czar is nice on occasion, but it's not as smooth as I'd prefer.

Think I can get that in Oregon/SW Washington?

I don't know.

This is a tough one, especially when you're trying to change the culture around you. When that culture is built with anger, abuse, and negativity it becomes and almost insurmountable obstacle.

About the same that Apple pays the other 364 days a year.


It should've killed the guardian, not so seriously injured the 5 year old. Those kids would be better off in foster care.