
This just happened, on the 1st of this month.

This particular story completely splits my listeners. Some of my friends are horrified; my brother became furious at ME (in a protective sort of way) when I told him it; but still others don’t see it as a big deal, or at least, do not find it the least alarming. In a few cases, people are quick to defend the non-scary

This took place when I was about 10 years old. My mom had rather quickly filed for divorce, but she only had a part-time job and made very little money, so finding a place to stay that was affordable and available immediately was tough. A friend of hers told her that she and her husband had

I’ve only told this story to my closest friends. I haven’t even confided in my sister (for fear of the obvious shame). Please buckle in because this tale needs to be told in length.

More of a creepy maybe home invasion tale but:

My good friend-let’s call her Jane to protect her identity- told me her ghost story last year, and since then it has been confirmed to me by several people who were around at the time. It took place back in the late 90's when she was in her early 20's.

This is like putting “Nazi Soldiers’ Remembrance Day” the day after Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Even if you take out the racial aspect, the slavery aspect... isn’t this just... treasonous? How dare you say you support our troops, how dare you proclaim that America is the “greatest country” in the world... how dare you do those things and then laud a group of people who rose up against that nation and fought with

I always find it hilarious when pearl-clutchers freak out over a bit of boob or whatever because “children are watching.” Seriously? Children in general do not give two shits about random nudity, other than to find it hilarious. And there’s nothing really showing here anyway! Nobody is having sex, nobody is doing lewd

I’m actually glad that he flipped out at me this week because he’d been “good” for a couple of months and I was beginning to forget how awful he could be.

It doesn’t matter if it was physical or emotional abuse. Both are equally damaging. So, please stop thinking yours was better or worse. It was abuse. End. Stop.

I still find myself thinking some of the things he says, like I’m cold and heartless for leaving him, that if I could have managed it better and focused more time and energy on him, I could have prevented some of the bad shit that happened. And because we have a child together and are forced to communicate, there are

It’s crazy. I knew the warning signs, of course. I knew you should look out for someone who controls you, who tries to isolate you from your friends, all of that. What I didn’t know to look for was someone who wasn’t actually TRYING to control you, but through their bad acts and habits made you control yourself. I

I’m not a comic, but I’m what most people would refer to as an assertive, strong woman with a fierce sense of humor. Part of the reason I stayed with my abuser for so long was that I bought into my own mythos as a “strong woman”, and believed that anything he did that was hurtful wasn’t abuse because I wasn’t capable