
There aren’t any MER fees assocated with buying $1M of VZ. Also, the only trading expense is the commission on the buy, which you would have to pay for an index fund anway. If anything the VZ is cheaper given that commissions are equal and the index fund has a management fee.

Apples and oranges. You’re comparing 7% overall gain (capital appreciaton + dividends) to a 5% dividend yield.

11.8% includes capital gains. Good luck finding an investment with a dividend yield that high. Better off buying real estate 30 years in advance of retirement and living off the rental income. Plus you can borrow against it if you’re in a jam.

Trump was captain of his HS baseball team. He’s also like 6'4 so he probably can throw some heat. Potentially as good as W

Yes, but you also can’t take it with you!

Don’t you mean Scrub Ass-Doofuses?

Hopefully they win something meaningful before they head to Vegas

Dip tin right pocket


...we represent our country* is a...

Didn’t this guy already graduate? Grow up dude. Talk about living in the past

Yes and also to Gene Sheen the Decorated Marine

My money is on Andy Brandy Casagrande IV. Long line of winners

We invented the internet. If you don’t like it don’t use it!

And the Jr B dude in Canada who fought fans in the stands!

I blame Philadelphia

Young Jeezy is rolling over in his grave

He hooked the guy without the puck in the slot just before throwing the check

Charles Blow and Paul Krugman, the two who tend to live up to their job titles—Blow, with a passion that matches the insanity of our time, and Krugman, with, you know, Nobel Prize-winning economics.