Aaaand there is also this...
Aaaand there is also this...
I'd crave for a criterion collection on the Avengers. I think there is so much material aside that needs to be seen.
I watched again return of the joker last night and I thought about it. Yes it's an uncharted milk cow, that needs at least one live action film. I was actually rooting that Bruce Wayne would have died when Bane broke him in the film and the next hour would be with Blake becoming the next Batman with the guidance of…
Strangely enough, no one in Greece heard this (or else Facebook Greek channels would have been flooded). I wonder when he went there, I pass from the Acropolis like every day or two.
I believe it too, I saw her website yesterday.
Where is Jane Jensen and the return of Gabriel Knight? (It was obvious that was the elephant in this room).
Let me guess. In 194x Rocketeer falls into an ice glacier. 70 years later he awakens by Steve Rogers and is welcomed as the next member of the Avengers, as said in some posts earlier. They should have another person with a jetpack don't you agree?
First of all with so many pictures being released from Dr.Who, we can combine them together in a gif and we'll have the season premiere. Just sayin'.
They own Castle(s) ORLY? (Sorry had to do that reference!)
It seems to me that they are somehow pitching/serving Grimm like Angel. But S2 progression looks nice so far. A big mystery item, a manipulated "player", a Blutbad and Bree Turner.
It does remind me a little of Hellboy 2 when they went to the merchant city (imagine portland being that city). I wouldn't say American Gods is awful. It's just a road trip book, building up to the end (the payoff is similar to the end of the war of the shadows in B5 though). Supernatural would have some aspects of…
Oh, ok, thanks guys — I guess I am old (and sentimental, going senile :P ). I'll try to search the comics.
Am I the only one who sees Grimlock on Cybertron? If this is indeed the G1 before the first episode THERE SHOULD BE NO GRIMLOCK.
I thought the same!
Lost all my bodily fluids on sight. I am running on artificial code now.
Does this means he unlocked the First Time There achievement?
Marlo says "You cooked my mother!"
Have you been messing with Rob Liefield's creations again?
That's why Dromund Kaas is better.
Why is it when I look at the bust, I don't see Coulson but Sebastian Roche instead?