There are some bad battery hacks out there. A lot of them are holdovers from old advice that has been around since…
There are some bad battery hacks out there. A lot of them are holdovers from old advice that has been around since…
Do you know what Jesse Singal’s fucking deal is?
Yeah, there was an asshole lady at a Trader Hors in Reston VA who was verbally attacking a Muslim American and it got very literal press coverage in spite of their being video. I sent links of that video to a tons of news orgs, and crickets. It was covered her and their, but god I wanted everyone to see that hateful…
Agreed, ironically enough I found his video smelled about white-saviorey.
This was my concern too. Even though they weren’t physically harmed, those girls were most definitely traumatized and are going to need treatment and support as well. I’ve already seen gross, racist MRA types blaming them, and I’m sure they’ve read some truly terrible comments/messages themselves.
Are those girls getting any support at all? I imagine there will be trolls and horrible racist people who be blaming them for all this. They need counseling. Is anyone making sure that is going to be taken care of? This will stick with both of them for the rest of their lives.
Those girls walke away physically fine. But they were horribly traumatized and that too will take time and care to fix.
For profit says it all. We won’t agree. For profit and kids, especially poor kids and add teachers without certification and crony leadership and being on the side of Betsy Demon and... they all suck.
White privileged school teachers who cant get fired.
3 paragraphs in the press release and not a single bit of empathy for the girl who can’t just enjoy the last days of middle school, what a tone-deaf reply from a school system terrified of losing that corporate cash because of a fucking logo placement.
...Why? Why did ANYONE think this was a good idea to do? WHY!?
While it may also be a good vocabulary tool for an English class, the "Feelings Wheel" was actually developed as a therapy/counseling aid. I believe this one is a variant that does indeed focus on finding the right words for your emotions.
Sometimes it's hard to explain exactly how you feel. This handy vocabulary wheel helps you narrow down exactly what…
incorrect. you cannot make lasagna without cheese, and those sad, pale things they call 'vegan cheese' are unworthy of mention.
by Jason Thomas
Image by Juha Nieminen
This article reminded me of a professor's lecture I attended while at the Ohio State University.
i started using an excel spreadsheet about a month ago b/c i was overwhelmed with projects. i don't use it day by day (yet-still looking for optimum template for that). but i have all of my "to-do's" broken down by project name or category with a columng for status, another for priority and its color coded and…
by Gina Trapani