Distingué Traces

Sasha's great strength isn't really about being "smart".

I guess that's true but … the challenges are always kind of dumb?

Yes, she knows her queer history and her New York history, all respect to that. But it was just kind of dull. With Shea and Peppermint and Trinity going all out the way they did, I want more from her, ESPECIALLY because she knows the period so well and should have the toolbox to do something extraordinary.

It sure brought home that Valentina's frosty manner is more the defensiveness of an uncertain kid than earned confidence.

I would have given Trinity a solo win based on that wonderful runway look. By far the best.

Not a dumb question. Yes, Wednesday was likely telling the truth this episode when he said he'd never been to any other country.

FARRAH MOAN WAS ROBBED. I truly think the wrong person went home.

No runway?

The commercials on vh1 went on for so long that I clicked over to a different tab — and completely missed the runway.

"Body made wrong", Nina? Isn't this supposed to be off the cuff humor?

Pounded in the Oeuvre By an Extensive Dive into My Own Oeuvre

I think it is very, very unlikely that watching the violence in Hausa would look anything at all like the TV Viking battle.

nope, you are thinking of the Marvel universe

No he isn't! He's his foster brother. (but much younger, not a contemporary)

What Wednesday says about somebody is not necessarily or even probably true. In that speech, he's casting Shadow in the role of his hired goon, and he needs to make Shadow see himself in that role.

Yeah, it's a shame we won't see Jonathan Tucker's character again after this introductory episode.

Thank god this didn't happen.

She had that one really unsympathetic moment — but to me it came across as tactlessness followed by defensiveness, not malice. And it came after we'd seen more than one person come for her — it's understandable that she was prickly and defensive.

Eureka comes across to me as genuine as is possible under these staged circumstances.

1. Alexis did a great impression of Kris Jenner, but her own personality didn't really come through it. Her chance to shine seems to have highlighted both her skills and her limitations at once.