Distingué Traces

Ugh. The ads on VH1.com are fucked up. They keep repeating and playing over the first few minutes of each segment of the show.

Well, sure, but both things did happen.

When has Charlie been really funny the whole season?

It wasn't just a weak performance, it was rude to Trinity to not even compete.

Aja: Sincere apology
Valentina: Dignified acceptance

HATE the abbreviated runaway segment, which to me should be the high point of the episode.

I mean Aja!

Oh god dammit and now I'm watching Kimora on Untucked sweetly saying goodbye before the lip-sync — obviously completely aware that she is going home and not whining about it.

Having now watched Untucked, I'm pretty down on [Aja]. She's delusional!

Alexis actually resembles Mrs Davis quite a bit, and she has that same air of being very good, very professional, very talented, very likable — but just missing that extra energy to push her out of the middle of the pack.

Sasha Velour was robbed!

I think the secondary factors at play there were more that Ginger didn't really impress in the acting challenges either.

I think just about everyone KIND OF likes Jaymes.

Yes. And Oliver is right that the mocking of her religion was unfortunate.

Valentina's boy drag is the draggiest of them all.

You'd put Charlie Hides in the top 4? Her look tonight was good, but she's never really showed any energy.

Kimora was very, very lazy on the lip-sync.

To me, this episode was an honorable defeat for Derrick Barry, and I'm a little surprised to see her getting it so hard here and in the recap.

Oliver was pretty harsh on Derrick in the recap. I am no fan of hers, but I thought this was an honorable send-off: she fought to the last, and she reached her limits. That's fair.

Watching Untucked, I was pleased to see Bob give what came across as really sincere advice to Derrick and Kim. Had they been the ones to lip-sync, what he told them would have been exactly what they needed to get through.