

We need to call this what it is: intentionally sabatoging the health insurance of potentially millions of Americans because the GOP is still committed to hating Obama at any cost. He is not “letting” anything fail. The GOP already orchestrated the lack of choice/high premiums debacle by passing an amendment to the ACA

The amendment is attached to a bill that will give money to Donald Trump’s border wall and immigration enforcement. That likely means it will be difficult to push through, or that GOPers are cynically attaching the life of a world-famous baby to their repressive immigration law for some extra support.

Jillian, one good piece of advice deserves another, you need to get  mesh lingerie laundry bags. You’ll never have to pull a twisted up bra away from your favorite top again.

Jillian, one good piece of advice deserves another, you need to get  mesh lingerie laundry bags. You’ll never have

It’s a pick your poison type issue. Would you rather get stabbed in the neck or shot in the head?

Jared Kushner will be frustrated. He had “fixing the opioid epidemic” on his to-do list for Wednesday afternoon (between “defeat ISIS” at 11:30 AM and “renegotiate NAFTA” by 1:15 PM.) now he’ll have to find something else to do for that hour and a half.

I prefer California to Massachusetts (no question); but Cambridge > Palo Alto.

Right after she died all the headlines said she was muslim, but the local NY news clarified that while her husband was muslim, She never identified her self as such. At first I thought, this is just another case of people judging by the name etc. Then I saw the family suicide news, and thought, how sad, that poor

Green Chile (the correct spelling) is a New Mexican thing that Colorado has appropriated. Colorado - it’s not yours.

I’m confused here, because (correct me if I’m wrong) I’m pretty sure that there’s an important distinction between “female” and “woman,” i.e. the same distinction there is between “sex” and “gender.” Trans women are women, yes, but not biologically female. Similarly, “female genital mutilation” is the mutilation of a

Literally nobody here is disagreeing with the point that circumcising babies’ penises is problematic at best, since babies are incapable of giving consent. What people are disagreeing with is your insistence that there is no difference between circumcising a penis and “FGM,” a term that includes clitoridectomy, not

I do not believe Rebel Girl is tranfolx at this point.

Did I ever say they weren’t? I specifically said biologically and publicly identifying as for a reason. And no I will not get out of here because you decided to come in here and derail an issue and make it about you. And if you can’t see how that bullshit “but what about circumsion” arises every single time FGM is

Nowhere did this article even bring up circumcision. Why is it so hard to stay on topic when it’s about an atrocity that’s done to women’s sexual organs? Why is it always, “We must discuss the penis first!”

What the fuck? No. That is like saying if woman A slept with woman B who was trans but before she had transitioned in any way, or even publicly identified that way, then woman A has slept with a woman even though at that time woman B was biologically and publicly identifying as a man. Circumcision done to you as a

I just read about this story in the Washington Post, and whaddya know, the comment section is full of idiot menz shouting “WHY DOES THIS ONLY GET ATTENTION WHEN IT’S GIRLS? WHAT ABOUT THE FORESKIN?”

I honestly can’t tell if you’re kidding or not.

I honestly can’t tell if you’re kidding or not.

I would gladly contribute to Alefantis’ legal fund (though where are the left’s billionaire sugar daddies?) if he can take down Alex Jones as Peter Thiel did Gawker. Both sides can play at that game.