And from 2-8, our sister station KDUH news radio drive-time will attempt to answer the question of who would be preferable in handling the current situation in North Korea: President Trump or former President Obama.
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but ‘Taker’s “retirement” brought it to the forefront again: Undertaker is the best WWE wrestler of all-time. Responsible for 3 HOF careers (his own, Kane, and Paul Bearer), the King of ‘Mania (f*ck you Vince, that Brock loss did nothing for anyone involved except to prove…
It is Mississippi, so at least Braswell’s grades won’t suffer.
Damn, getting to the bottom of this might involve beating the truth out of someone.
Did anyone else also catch professional mouth-diarrhea-haver Michael Cole blatantly insinuate that WrestleMania is a bigger deal than the Super Bowl?
After tonight, most woke DEFINITELY goes to Mississippi State.
Can’t wait to see the new, $40 million wall around the entire campus!
True story: when my mother went to an all-girls Catholic high school in the mid-70s, the nuns told students to never go on dates to restaurants with white tablecloths, because it made boys think of bedsheets. The (coed) public HS I attended 25 years later had the highest teen pregnancy rate in the state, in a town…
Matt Barnes has found his rhythm and is doing the best he can to fill in the holes left by Kevin Durant.
Just think, if Messi had grabbed the ref’s madre by her concha, he’d be Presidente de Argentina!
Once again, Brandon Marshall’s “go” route was broken off by a Cutler interception.
Given the opportunity, I would kill Brian Kelly.
Wang, a Georgetown alum,
A lazy fisting, you say?
And what is the “need” for more playoff games/series now, beyond the “need” for owners to make more money?
I never said segregation was a “rule” of baseball, just a longstanding feature. And to say that excluding players by race had “nothing to do with the play of the game” is laughably disingenuous.