
Yach-Its. Not Yaks.

No, it's much healthier for 15 year olds to be overweight . Geez.

Yes — he was a rec leader at the resort where they stayed.

Oh, trust me on this — the absence of your mother does not make Mother's Day easier, no matter how fraught the relationship.

Yeah, that's kind of what people said about Shaw in Xmen First Class. But to me he was Nazi through and through. I don't really know what the Red Skull is if he's not a Nazi.

I really must be easy — I liked this week. I like Coulson being out of control and believed it, thought May was true to her character, and like how ambiguous Fitz, Simmons and Triplett felt in their dialogue and just in their physical acting. They seemed "in shock" to me. I like how Garrett is over the top now — he

When Lip and Carl were next to each other in the hall — Carl is taller than Lip now?

Ian's about four to six inches taller, 20 pounds heavier, and that's all muscle. Makes a big difference in a fight. Plus even though Terry started it, Mickey and Ian were not fighting defensively — they were playing for keeps, not for a chance to get away. In the truest sense, they were fighting FOR their lives.

For Bonnie, I'm hoping it was in the sense that kids say "I don't like sushi". The sense being, I've never had it and it sounds gross, so no. That's what I'm hoping anyway. Either case, cheers to Carl for supporting her.

You know, I understand every critique people have about things that are not in synch with the real world, technical problems in fights, etc. and I definitely think the motives of the evils (Huntress and Slade) are overly melodramatic bullshit. Only thing is —