
I get that Two and Half Men and Family Guy suck, but no, you're not supposed to like the characters on those shows at all. They're all terrible, and then they're worse.

The Internet and the MCU don't agree with me, but I always thought that Peter Parker's ability to throw together his original Spider-Man costume was because part of his spider-power is excellent, instinctive sewing ability. Though his design sense is human (and fabulous)!

She is not physically inside; her mass is stored "extra dimensionally" along, I guess with her clothes and accouterments. When she's inside him, her body is the dimension where Nightcrawler teleports through, or a dimension like that, anyway.

Rogue dream casting is a gestalt of the 3 original Charlie's Angels — the sass of Kate Jackson, the self-possession (and mostly body) of Jaclyn Smith, and the directness and charm of Farrah Fawcett.

Max and 99.

I agree that Daisy's power display with the portal, but it bugs me that the person who did that couldn't drop Lash last week. Maybe it's just harder on TV/in the movies — but Daisy has a lot of control, and a lot of destructive power (as when the broke the mountain last year). If she has that much focus and force,

From what you see on screen, you'd have to assume Ben was Catholic. Unnecessary and disrespectful change in my view.

Well yeah, hence "one of". Ben Urich is no Ben Grimm, for sure. A Hulk vs. Ben Urich fight would not be much fun to watch.

Goywashing? Isn't the comics Ben Urich one of Marvel's more prominent Jewish characters? And for those of you not from the New York (or Baltimore, or Toronto, or Israel), yes there are lots of Jewish persons who are also black.

That's because they both look like their grandfather. Or really handsome grandma.

Bad continuity. Raj loves to cook, and cooks learn to clean.

It arrived a week before I commented. Speed force y'all!

1 billion Indians remind you — it's Sunil Bashki. Our evilest Marvel character yet!

So it could have as easily been "founding member of the Society of Morons Who Chose Not to Date Felicity."

But that is the reason! The vibrations from the hand inside Cisco's chest cavity created a situation where Cisco was experiencing life, and then death, across multiple segments of the time stream. If Eobard had shot him on the lost day, Cisco could not remember — it was the vibrating hands that made it so. (I'm

"My Dad used this gun to kill 100 Nazis" — when Hydra split off from the Nazi party…

Not that anyone's gonna see my comment at this late date, but I'm thinking Gonzales may turn out to be an unambiguous villain.

And we have a winner! Nobody worried about Mickey because they know that Sammi doesn't have the killer in her.

Nope, that's not the excuse. By season three the two shows had almost nothing in common.

Yeah, if I gotta go that way I'd prefer Rogue as the … oh, wow there's no way to say this without sounding like a pig.