
Not as much as I love Janeway, though. The only unreasonable thing is *not* loving her.

Star Trek was the first thing I ever watched that included people like me in its vision of the future.

Sulu did have a daughter, she was the helmsmen of the Enterprise B in Generations.

Urban Meyer doesn’t have fun. His personality reflects the full, vivid rainbow of intensity, from “Insanely Intense” to “Quietly Brooding Intense.”

I watched Urban Meyer play in the All-Star Legends and Celebrity Softball game in Cincy yesterday. He did not look to be having fun.

All this article proves is that Albert is an angry individual (or an ignorant shitbag) who hasn’t gotten over his mommy /daddy issues

I am a amateur play-by-play broadcaster for high schools around Ohio and this call is used by the refs to "teach a lesson" to the most athletic athletes. This mentality of policing showmanship out of the high school game is directed many times at young black men. I hate to bring it up but I have seen on numerous

Star Trek: The Next Generation ushered in the golden age of sci-fi television in the 90s. It also proved that syndicated television can be a profitable model. Without it we wouldn't have Farscape, the Stargate series, Hercules, Xena, Babylon 5, Mutant X, Earth: Final Conflict, Andromeda, seaQuest DSV, Space: Above &

Deep Space 9 was one of the first shows to experiment with season long arcs AND it showed a darker side of the Trek universe specifically and scifi in general. BSG, Firefly, and alot of other shows that came after owe A LOT to DS9.