Chareth Cutestory

OK then:

If I give this money will I get to see a mega budget King Kong Vs. Godzilla movie in a few years?

Me too :(

Great band. Great drummer.

I was actually thinking about Tarkin when I typed above: I did not think it worked at all, was noticeably CGI, and looked like a PS4 game character. The end CGI Leia shot was just more obviously wrong/scary.

Please no more CGI actors. Ignoring any moral implications: It simply does not work. It looks likes like an uncanny valley computer game and ruins the suspension of disbelief. The movies using CGI actors today will date terribly. Maybe in 10 or 20 years time the technology will exist to make it look seamless but it is

I'm looking forward to this one. Netflix is putting out some great stuff now.

I was watching Best in Show the other day and could not stop thinking "God I love Catherine O'Hara, why can't she be in everything?!"

People have already mentioned Civil War airport scene so I would like to shout out to:

Straight fire

Firewatch, ABZU, No Man's Sky, DOOM.

Holy shit El-P. These beats tho.

Way too young :(


Catching up with Uncharted 4.

Meh this was OK. I did not find the characters as engaging/charismatic as in TFA, and it was far too long. The end was great and it looked fantastic though. C+


Interesting. Cryptonomicon is my favourite of all of his novels and my entry point to NS.

I got in pretty good shape at the start of 2016. Then I spent the summer in Spain and overindulged in nice beer and chorizo basically constantly.

Only one day of work to go and then HOLIDAY! A much needed break for me, work has been insanely busy this year.