
Oh damn, I need to check that one out then.

I wanna point out that this is the second show in a row for Aisha Dee that has strong feminist messages and is also way better than it has any right to be. If you like this, start streaming some Sweet/Vicious too.

Seeing a woman and a bi-coded character do all of the traditional superhero things may have not been so powerful to you, but it clearly impacted other people who wanted/needed to see it in a strong emotional way.

Wonder Woman was also about what war does to mankind and how we justify our behaviours in it and also choosing to be compassionate when others (even if they are unlike you) are in need. I'm not one to say if any themes are better than others, but they're all pretty important.

Are we seriously not done with this type of thing? Like, just do real science then, who cares?

Was there a single person in this trailer that wasn't white?

I can't wait to see this technology in movies I actually will pay to see!

People that believe Beyoncé doesn't deserve her success are why the person getting inaugurated is getting inaugurated.

I'm less bothered by those ones than the ones who are Trump supporters and have deluded themselves into thinking that the episode was "mocking PC culture" and the image of the young child getting shot was "edgy comedy".

If this doesn't get a second season, at least give me the Evelyn spinoff.

Yeah, I don't know what the problem would be with giving her something little to be happy about for once. I didn't expect her to become team captain and win the world series in the first season, but pulling off that no-hitter would have been a nice little victory for the character.


She was the lead in one of the best comedies of the year. But, yay bandwagons are fun.

fingers crossed that Chelsea Peretti is starring in Schur's project.

I feel like everyone has a different love for AHS. I love Murder House and Coven and couldn't even sit through Asylum, while others it's the exact opposite. If I were to rank the seasons it would be, 3,1 then 2. But I know that a lot of people's would be flipped around. But even though, everyone's opinions are

Troy got to finally eat a ghost. And Britta got that used iPod Nano in 2014 like they said she would in The Art of Discourse.