
I do get that the new police chief is supposed to be a dick, but count me as someone who was nodding in furious agreement when he pulled up Gloria's aversion to computers and electronic records in the first episode.

Wow, Google back in 2010 must have been pretty useless to not come up with a single match or suggestion for a name. Yes yes, I know she's an Old-Fashioned Detective Who Doesn't Trust Computers For Some Reason, but they're really hammering that point beyond all reason.

Just bring them all back together in some Suicide Squad kind of show. I don't care if it makes sense or not, just do it.

I really hope it was real Manu when he punched Ashur (Captain Boomerang) in the face. Ashur has needed that since Spartacus.

As delightful as all the Python quotes are, remember that Terry Jones (director of The Holy Grail) is a medieval historian, and knows quite a lot about Arthurian legend.

Sorry, but Cage is just flat-out wrong regarding Fist of Fury v. Fist of Legend. Legend had better fight scenes and choreography. Lee might well have been a better fighter than Li, but in this case Li made the better movie.

It just feels like there's way too much stuff going on. I appreciate the nods to comic book characters in the pre-credit sequences this week and last week, but having that AND the angels AND Jesse learning to control his voice AND whatever the Carlos thing is about AND Quincannon etc etc etc. is a bit much. The show

I'm pretty much on board with CleganeBowl for the TV show. The drama of it all would be too delicious to pass up.

He makes it worse every time he open his stupid mouth to spout out about it.

It was an A for me the minute J Peterman came on screen.

Why do they keep paper around at STAR Labs? Like, Barry zooms back, and all the paper just goes everywhere. Wouldn't it be a bit annoying to have to reorder everything?

Is it wrong for me to want to see this because of Ray Wise?

I'm kind of torn, really. On the one hand, I think Glenn surviving would be a bit (ok, a lot) of a cheat, and I would respect the show more if it stuck to its "nobody is safe (except Rick and probably Coral)" philosophy.

Some new character will be introduced in the next couple of episodes, develop a strong bond with everyone, then be killed off.

So, "set aside your biases" means "give the episode the score I would have given it"?

…I like it.

I know Sigur Ros has been on so much now that using it is pretty much a cliche. But my god… the feels. So many feels.

Well, I'm not going to make jokes, but not really going to feel that sorry for him either. He could have gotten someone killed.

Yep. The director, and the author whose book the film is based on, thought Seita was mostly to blame for how things turned out. The "go it alone" mentality might have worked for an American film, but in Japan it would be seen as sort of selfish. Given what happened in the end, I think it's a fair enough argument to

The best "yay life" song is still YATTA, by Happa-tai.