
It was probably the most unintentionally hilarious episode of the WHOLE show. So many lolz! My favorite one at the end with Kathy Bates. I know I should feel annoyed because it's basically a huge 'we've done' from writers but I'm so perverted and want to see what's coming next.

This and Gods of Egypt would make a perfect grindhouse double-feature.

That's a perfect example of a movie that actors did only for a paycheck.

The cast consists mostly of cheap-to-hire actors who will do anything for a paycheck. No wonder there are barely any reviews one day till release. I knew it would suck. Also, Olivia Wilde is in it, so expect it to bomb at b/o. She's such a toxic box office poison.

The dinner party is the most unintentionally funny scene in AHS history.

Ryan Murphy does not dissapoint. Hotel continues to sink like Titanic. This episode was lame. Vampire kids, boring Liz Taylor story, plot is still not moving forward - Fail!

Looks like a good movie.

"And I wouldn't count Red Riding Hood as much of a success"

It's not smart to allow people see this movie for free. This screening can cost a studio about half of total b/o.

" they portray everyone’s open-mindedness as being sincere"