
And inbetween, I cooked and cleaned and went out of my head.

Trying to equate critics of the transcult with anti-gay bigots is a false equivalence because anti-gay bigotry fuels the very existence of the transcult.

The drag humor that was a staple of the classic WB shorts was in short supply here. It seems like all the modern attempts to reboot the characters have downplayed that angle.

Like Jerry O'Connell did after STAND BY ME?

There was a whole TV commercial shtick about him trying to get into the NBA, and his presence in the movie is because of that. The parts of the movie that aren't built around advertising products and hip-hop recordings is devoted to in-jokes.

Then why did they still stop the plot cold to go to Wal-Mart?

THE NUTTY PROFESSOR, which was released the same year, had a more interesting soundtrack.

You took the words out of my mouth. Nice to see another fellow 1983 baby who objects to being classified with millennials. I thought we were the last year of Generation X. I've always felt out of place among people of my own generation anyway, and maybe this is partly why: sociologists can't agree which of these

Indeed, and they should also have noted how shamelessly parts of the film copied Disney's live-action/animation hybrids.

Sex is offensive to you because you can't get laid because normal people don't fetishize self-mutilation.

Tr*ns women are men in drag. Tr*nsg*nd*r is a lie because g*nd*r is a lie. This is normalizing body dysmorphic disorder and 1950s era blue-is-for-boys-pink-is-for-girls sexual stereotypes. And what's worse is that gay kids are actively being sterilized. You do not need to have an operation because of your taste in

Don't you dare project your own homophobia onto me, you ableist prick. You insult me with hate speech and psychological projection and then have the nerve to say "thank you," you tired hack?

Hillary Clinton is the choice of the American people. She is the president. She is YOUR president. This election, and thus this whole fucking government, is illegitimate. I will never consider that fat cracker fraud my president because the majority of Americans rejected him.

'Member when we had faiw and fwee ewections?

'Member when Caitwyn was Bwuce?

A lie of false equivalence made up by a bunch of sexist homophobes with the end game of erasing gay people from the Earth. Why do you think Iran allows it but puts gay people to death?

Tr*ns is a lie because jenn-durr is a lie. Tr*ns is sexist and homophobic. Tr*ns reinforces disgustingly outdated and offensive ideas about how men and women should act.

Tr*ns is anti-science, anti-woman, anti-gay and anti-sex. Anything that offends sexist, homophobic scumbags is okay with me.

Tr*ns is bigotry against gays and real women.

We have reached the point where the stereotype threat is worse than the actual stereotypes themselves.