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    Google Nick Robinson.

    The hypothetical trans woman is dying because he is murdering her.

    oh wow. amazing. u did it. i see the truth now. your dated, disengenuous, untruth-riddled arguments have burrowed into my foolish soul. trans men and women have shown for years how they are doxxed and aggressively harassed by gendercrit assholes, but how can i argue with the beautiful logic of transhater88 and her

    Crime stats are not being skewed bc of trans women. Even if trans women were particularly incluned to crime, the population is not large emough to make a meaningful difference in crime stats.

    cool hate speech, bro

    Alessandra mentions talking with Maria Callas before her concert. Presumably she communes with other great divas.

    At what point did "Sega Does What Nintendon't" go from hacky advertising slogan to contrarian corporate credo? Like, Nintendo is fairly successful in curating and modernizing its catalogue of IP, should we do something like that? Fuck it, let's make Sonic a fucking werewolf! Didn't the only good Sonic game in recent

    I loved the first five or so of them, but then my mom decided that they were about evolution, and thus evil and wrong, despite my lengthy explanations that they were actually about aliens. I tried to keep reading them on the sly, but she found my stash of them (and a Simpsons CD, also verboten) under my bed flipped

    Does it anyone anyone else that some of the factions are nouns and some are adjectives? Leaving aside whether they are good names or not, it would literally take five seconds to make them all one or the other. Also, is there a reason why the factions with noun names are basically just three different flavors of

    Was Jane Lynch's speech at the end supposed to be serious? Are we really supposed to respect her as an educator? It's been a while since I've watched this show, but in the last episode I saw she was literally trying to shoot a girl out of a cannon.