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    The stupidest thing I've ever seen in any movie in the last ten years, is the bit where Chris Pratt and the Raptor exchange a knowing "thanks, brother" look at the end. I burst out laughing in the theatre, and I was really embarrassed!

    I dunno, man. It's hardly an "intriguing" new theory, is it? It's quite common to read zombies as an all-absorbing whole, and having them play as a metaphor for mass conformity.

    It's also got Pieces and Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2 in there.

    The protagonists are named for Dardano Sacchetti, the prolific Italian horror screenwriter who worked for just about everyone, including Fulci.

    I've just had a crack at episode two, and while the primary location is not exactly distinctive, I am getting the impression that there is an interesting climax coming. Episode One appears, at this stage (and I suppose technically we're halfway through now, as opposed to the first Revelations, which I recall having