
#teamBrianCox. Great video, well done to the editor. Cox was the most believable and human Lector ("Operator, uh, I don’t have the use of my arms. Uh, would you be so kind as to, uh, dial a number for me please?")

It's obvious that Riggan doesn't have any magical powers and that it's all in his head. At the end he flies around the city and back into the theatre. However the taxi driver goes in to complain that he hasn't been paid, so in Riggan's head it seemed like he was flying but in reality he was being driven around

I love finding new comics I've never heard of, and this top review got me excited.

Can you please stop perpetuating the myth that Laughton hated kids so that Mitchum took over the directing of them for NIGHT OF THE HUNTER.

Jon Stewart looks like he is sending an email asking them to put the bunny back in the box.

according to Donald Sutherland in "Outbreak" it was FDR who started it

Are you 100% certain that it was Chopper's friend who sliced his ears off?

Ridley Scott (who isn't even American) pussied out to his US paymasters by refusing to show the half-naked dead American soldiers being dragged through the streets of Mogadishu just so that he could make a ra-ra patriotic Bruckheimer film full of slo-mo shots of war porn.

It's easier to read The Painted Bird when you realise the author was full of shit and made up the whole thing.

Could it be possible that some of the Blackadder humour will pass over US viewers heads?

Definitely needs more book reviews on this site. I get a lot of my recommendations from the comments fields on AVclub. For example, someone mentioned "The Son" by Philipp Meyer which I'd never heard of despite being a Pulitzer nominee. It completely slipped past me, even though I do check up on books which have been