
I don't like Trump. I didn't vote for Trump. I think he's one of the most embarrassing things to happen in my 26 years on this earth. But could we get a little bit of chill on articles with a political slant? There's such an obvious bite to it that doesn't come across as genuine humor but rather legitimate anger

First! Hopefully last!

Shhhh shhh shhhh shhh shhh shh shhh bb

Don't close your post with trolling. It completely undermines anything you're trying to say and turns you into a flame baiting troll just trying to stir things up rather than have a discussion.

This -was not- a very good episode of TV but after following what in general gets Ds around here this DID NOT deserve it. I guess that's the issue with having multiple reviewers with multiple different standards but I guess I just wish there was more of a standard across shows. I feel like if the main show had this