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    If you say so buddy. Which party believes in the benevolence of big government (order, control) vs the the party individual liberty. Can you say Obamacare?

    It's the opposing dynamics of Control, and relative peace and prosperity with few individual rights (Templars), vs personal freedom and responsibility of ones actions (Assasins), with some crazy space Jesus, super alien technology thrown in for flavor.

    Not to split hairs… But regardless of what letter is after their name, if someone is for a strong central government over the independent citizen, then yes, you have a lot in common with Hitler and the Nazis….

    The game and story starting hitting the crapper when AC3 hit. For me the story is the key, and I persoanlly enjoyed the modern storyline. AC Brotherhoods modern sequences were the most "fun" I had during the game. The banter, the overall polish was there. AC Revelations seemed like a nice pause in order to say goodbye