Jake White

"Yes, Nick, being a heroin addict is exactly like being a recently resurrected zombie with an insatiable desire for human flesh."

Too bad John Oliver just left.

During the post-show discussion with Kurt Sutter, he made reference to "the first montage". Exactly. When you have to clarify which montage you're talking about, guess what? You have too many fucking montages!!

That's true, and that will create tension in the show going forward. Will he find out? If he does, what will happen? Etc., etc.

(1) It wasn't the restraining order Jax was signing. Judge's sign restraining orders. He was signing the papers prohibiting his mother from ever becoming guardian for the boys. (2) How could you miss that Jax shot Alice because she was very clearly describing what Jax has been and possibly will go through with his