
If this was actually confirmed in the episode it would've made it a lot better. I doubt it though cause they were so blatant about trying to do a mindfuck plotwist that I don't think they would hold back if they had something that good.

You wouldn't trust Google to give you the best search results for one the most commonly searched topics on Computers? Should he have used Duck Duck Go?

It's mostly because she's the worst public speaker currently in the public eye.

Samantha Bee really is the final evolution of The Daily Show. They finally got rid of the comedy and now it's just 21 minutes of some lady yelling at you for not seeing things the way she does.

You think your so much better than me because your opinions fit in around here don't you. It's okay. I know how that feels. Feels quite validating and it's easy to do. Enjoy your day sir.

I said it's either comic book faithful adaptation purists or an extension of the progressive agenda. Maybe a combination of the two.

I don't think anyone is out to get me. Like I said I'm not a white American conservative male so relax yourself.

What was worse in Batman v Superman? The direction or the script? Keep in mind Goyer has rocky resume too. He's written movies like Jumper, Ghost Rider 2 and Man of Steel.

Keep Snyder, Throw Goyer out of Hollywood.

White people guy? You mean the Jared Leto Joker from the Rick Ross and Skrillex music video? This is the least white the character has ever been.

God I hate Liberals. How many male henchman have been killed on television without anyone batting an eye? Are we seriously saying that anything negative that happens to women in entertainment is sexism? The most popular series in the world right now is Game of Thrones where men are brutalized excessively all the time.

I thought making the writers room more female would reduce the reliance on gore. I guess not.

Yeah maybe just do a CGI segment of him and Comedy Central Stephen Colbert every now and then. Like the cartoon Donald Trump segments.

You know he has a whole team of writers right? Excluding the correspondents. Most of which remained from Jon Stewarts era. Your clearly still holding a stupid grudge against tweets no one even remembers.

Really she's supposed to be the hot-girl role? She was heavily pregnant for a good portion of Trevor Noah's TDS. I get more lecturing mom kind of vibes from her. A hot-girl correspondent would be appreciated though. Like Liz's assistant in 30 Rock. I mean the show is already loaded with diversity, feminist roles and

Oh cool that means they'll be a brand new market almost overnight for devices that are immune to this or software/apps that make your device immune.

Yeah she lost me as a potential viewer with the whole "woke feminist" stuff. I'm a black guy on Twitter so I've had absolutely enough of that shit.

That sounds like it's about Mexicans. Different brown people.

Well why did they vote for Clinton? Any specific minority affecting policies I missed? Or was it the pandering? How are Bernie's policies not objectively better for minorities when both candidates are proposing the same solutions except that Bernie's go further?

Complete waste of time.