
The world in this show is incoherent. Just like Bojack Horseman, both shows have worlds with incoherent internal logic yet they're highly praised. I find that quite annoying.

For the love of God please serialize the show!! The formula is stale and needs a shake up. Put stakes back into the show and have the characters actually have something meaningful to do. Especially Mallory who's character is being wasted just being another side character reacting to the craziness.

Well is it the same city. Maybe it's just canonically the same guy going about his life.

They're the only ones who confessed and became eligible for it. I haven't heard anyone speak of the walk of shame as gender thing. Assuming it is because it's only happened to a woman so far seems like your trying to prove a pre-conceived notion.

Its time to wrap up the show. It's been great (mostly) but I'd like to see the creators do something else because this concept has been mined for all it's worth. One more season to wrap up character arcs then move on.

Did I miss them saying the walk of shame is for women only? I don't recall them ruling it out for Loras because he's such a manly man in a mans world.

I'm always afraid of something like that when the Mountain is on screen.

Didnt both houses approached mention that they fought for Robb Stark? House Stark collapsed because Robb broke his promise and didn't marry Frey's daughter. How is that loyalty trumping numbers? And how is it similar to Jon's situation? I think your too eager to join the club with other commenters to criticise the

Calm down. This is Game of Thrones. Very few deaths will be ambiguous and off screen. I don't see what the deal is anyway. They've killed enough characters to prove that no one is safe. I think your overreacting.

Plus I thought she was on the run and knew she was being hunted. Infact I thought she had made it to a different city at first because of how casual she was being out in the open.

Haven't they been suggesting the Faceless Men are just assassins for hire? I assumed the conclusion of last weeks episode is that the younger actress paid the Faceless Men to assassinate the Cersei actress to take her place.

I highly doubt he signed a contract that made him legally obligated to give out the ending of his book series in the event that he doesn't finish in time. Doesn't sound like a feasible contract. What does it force him to keep the ending the same for his books?

Ignored how? Seemed to make as big of a splash as any special couch gag would. Except maybe an offensive one.

Yeah & more crossovers because why not? They should take more risks and double down on the gimmicks (not including guests). Those are what make me tune in these days.

Is this sarcasm?

You know what they mean wise guy.

Didn't even bother saying which country in Africa. I guess it's just in there somewhere.

Makes sense from a merchandising standpoint. These universes are already confusing as it is.

FINALLY! Seth Meyers is a hack. These days a white guy just trying hard isn't good enough. Either diversify your casting or get someone with actual talent.

Pierce not fitting into the group made Season 2 one of the best sitcom seasons of all time so I think he definitely fits in the show if not the study group itself.