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    I gots to know!
    I'm a couple episodes behind and just couldn't wait to find out the twists.
    I cried just reading the review and thinking about how that death scene might play out, I might just dissolve into a puddle when I actually watch the episode!

    bahahaha this isn't Community!

    Did anyone catch Love Kernels playing while she hugs her dad in the beginning?
    And then Josh retreating to a playground because he's still not an adult about things
    And the underneath this beautiful vista are all my rocky issues.
    And how her voice cracks when she lists Greg in the men who leave.
    And that millisecond

    "In its most emotional moments, this series kicks open the door and lets a song spill out" < exactly why man-nap is unnecessary. It's just not at an emotional point in the story. It's at a particularly blah point in a story. A song might've fit better after Nathaniel's dad catches him napping, in a similar vein of

    Yeah, it doesn't quite work to have the same build-up to two different big moments. Like it would've been more interesting if he had another plot line - maybe about not being able to speak up in the office/being shy - that leads to "George's Turn" after being fired - same interruption gag could fly that way. Then,

    That is solid episode premise. Makes way for some potentially fantastic Father Brah-Rebecca interactions. Maybe Patti Lupone appears as a Rabbi dreamghost to try and convince her otherwise?

    When the Santa Ana winds guy popped up I was really excited, but when it ended with "i'm also kind of a narrator", I shut down on it. We definitely didn't need that much explaining the plot of silly magic. Although of course, the Stupid Bitch tag was nice.

    I can't see either Heather or Valencia coming on board as bridesmaids. In fact, they should get a "Are you fucking kidding me?" duet of some sort - but Father Brah officiating could be interesting.

    It's a day before Josh and Rebecca's wedding, and Nathaniel and Rebecca are dealing with some huge lawyer trial thing. Heather comes to pick her up from the courthouse with Greg in tow (he's come back for the wedding). But they open up the door, to see Nathaniel and Rebecca swept up in the moment and making out.

    Okay, I officially ship Heather and Father Brah now. Feather?