
Yes. Teenagers used the expression "For real". I recall more commonly than that the use of the expression. "Serious?." or "Seriously?" or "No way/sir!" Someone Gordon's age and lack hipness likely would not have said "For real?". More likely, he would have said. "Are you serious??!!." or "Do I look like I was born

Yeah. Gordon seems like more of an old fossil than Bos. He just can't relate to the Gen X, anarchistic atmosphere. He is too accustomed to being the normal,white guy working with other normal white guys at Cardiff to be able to really get along with Cameron and crew. He has never had any respect for Cameron. That's

Anachronistic use of language alert. Gordon says: "Is that a real thing?" People didn't use that weird expression in the 80's. Most certainly not someone Gordon's age. I can't stand that expression now.

Because most of us don't have the bone structure of either Mary Stuart Masterson or Mackenzie Davis that makes them look so good with short hair. I prefer Cam's short, punk hair too. This season, with the longer hair, she is starting to resemble some weird cross between Courtney Love and Wynnona Ryder.