Nathan Stewart

Not what I said. Don't want to waste my time arguing in some ego-battle. Basically, you need to realise that you and this reviewer and many people writing for the AV club are part of this PC culture gone mad and it hurts free speech and mature, liberal discussions of important issues.

Yes, exactly. In support of your comments I replied above:

This is fictional art and it should never be 'problematic' to discuss trans issues or any issue. Even if his exploration of trans was completely anti-trans (which it wasn't) it shouldn't be a problem because there's a little thing called free speech and an artist should be able to tackle any topic they want. If people

This review is awful. So you can't talk about transgender issues unless you're transgender? I don't see you complaining that Louis isn't gay when he talks about gay issues, or black when dealing with race, or female when dealing with women? On and on it goes. You present an argument where the initial premise is