
first episode has got a lot of heart that's for sure!

my heart skipped when I saw that crooked hat! Richieeeeee! So excited he's a main character this season.

booooring episode. i miss things like victor hurling a bat at sydney's head. or hattie and her homeless alcoholic boyfriend. come on its the final season! give me something other then crosby being vague…

Kristina would be a good shocker and also unbelievably sad…. it will never be amber. Who cares about Camille! But yes- agreed that she is definitely the most logical choice.

So true. He def made an oh shit! face that I think was in shock to Sally's outpouring of love and also that he obviously had no clue what day it was.

Sally is back!!! Also- loved how she brought up to Don the possibility of seeing 'that lady and smelling her hair spray in the elevator' to Don. He has f'ed up so many times and Sally has always been there. She is so mature. I also thought Sally's irritating girlfriend she called back at school was very realistic.

yes!! can someone please explain?!

I love parenthood. I have been with it from the beginning but at this point I'm just here for Ryan. That's my boy!! ryan and amber togetha foreva!!

Didn't that four wheeler montage shock anyone into the - Oh God. Zeek is going to have a heart attack rightttt about now. Would've been a pretty good shock storyline for the end of the season…

those 2 girls should have realllly taken some acting lessons from sally draper sheesh… that acting was WEAK son!