
Also that poor f'ing goat… loved that scene. Bravo. Going to miss this show so damn much!! Quite possibly the most haunting music ever heard in a tv show. Thank you HBO.

This is true. But he seemed so vulnerable. I also love Kevin. Do you think Patty is gone forever? I have a feeling Australia will drag her up from somewhere to haunt Kevin.

Their "death" was too anticlimactic. Come on, you know Liv Tyler is not going out like that! She was always a step ahead. I also love the old lady followers in Australia. Seriously don't know what will happen next but I am loving it so far!

Her cackling in Kevin's face was really harsh. Also Evie's not dead but what do I know.

Elijah was perfect. So was Marnie's ugly top in the pawn shop.

More Lena. More Shosh. Less Marnie. And please zero Jessa. Also sometimes I really just cannot get over how big Adam Driver's ears are. Even though he constantly covers them with his hair- they cannot be avoided.

Marnie's glittery harem pants for the win! Hilariously perfect.

Are we not going to talk about Dunham's sister making a cameo? Grace played the boyish girl in overalls. So thankful for the Ray and Elijah team!

I'm not a popper!! The curb sketch was even better then the cameo! Fantastic episode for Bernie! Feel the Bern!!

absolutely hilarious… i loved the french wife repeating 'clewn' over and over. This show is classic Zach if you've ever seen his standup or snl. Really looking forward to the rest of the season.

That was incredibly low key compared to the other jaw dropping scenes throughout the season. Did Kevin really need to die again? We get it we get it. Also reallllly glad the baby was not trampled…

Woooow. Incredible. Almost makes Kevin's death and rebirth boooring. Almost. How the hell are they going to wrap all of this up in one episode? I am already scared!

Uhtred's face when they take off in the boat and the hooded priest turned out to be Alfred was completely priceless! Awesome episode. So glad Uhtred's best bud didn't have to die.

Adele sketch was the best of the year for me so far. The execution was fantastic. And- I also love Adele!!

I seriously hope all of you are watching The Last Kingdom on BBC America. It's the best show out right now.

so glad that the dead black guy from penny dreadful has found a new show!!! also- vampire beeeeellll!!

My mouth dropped at the end. i can't believe how long it took me to catch on- Tommy was acting his ass off!!

did you just call Carl, Korl???? that is hysterical.

so are we not going to address the bizarre hippies? do they serve a purpose? i hope evie is not dead. and so far jill is killing it!

WOW don was looking crazy old in this episode. Also slow clap for Betty who might just be one of the most creepiest underrated tv characters ever!