Sarah Stuart

"everybody "

Unfortunately, this Time piece is quite off the mark. It has been reported that Jessica Roy didn't pay much attention at the conference and she has a history of writing anti-men's rights content.

The reality is, when men try to talk about domestic violence, they are often told to STFU and look at the bigger picture (i.e. female victims). "What about teh menz?!'

Of course. Here's one example where a feminist charity wants the UK government's statistics authority to change its methodology because its most recent results show that men and women suffer domestic violence in similar numbers.

Ironically, the idea of "You boys sit tight, your problems will be over once our stuff is taken care of" is pretty damn patriarchal.

I agree to an extent. However, when feminist groups actually lobby for funding to *not* go to organisations that help abused men, or ask for government organisations to change the wording of research because it paints men as victims too, then they are making a mockery of the idea of patriarchy.

Feminism doesn't actually work to fix those problems, nor does it explicitly state that it is trying to fix them. And nor should it, so it's perfectly right and fair that there should also be a movement that advocates and campaigns for men and boys.

I think that's a problem that affects a lot of movements today. The way the internet has given everyone a voice is great in some ways, but bad in others.

Learn what MRAs support and don't support before typing. It'll make you look less silly. Especially when a lot of the most visible MRAs are women.

I take your point to an extent, but feel there is a huge gulf between textbooks and an entertainment website.

"It’s here that I will most heartily agree with the idea that anti-spoiler culture has been incredibly detrimental to criticism. "

Why does Hollywood hate men so much?

It's only a "backlash" because you're trying to make it one.


The intro to this article is fucking comical.