Doctor Professor

And likely the majority of people who voted for him still think there is nothing wrong going on.

I imagine it has to be about trying to call for a Special Investigator.

In other news, there was a report today that voter ID laws disenfranchised 200,000+ people in Wisconsin. Trump won Wisconsin by 20,000 votes.

Sessions had been tasked at least a week ago with finding reasons to fire Comey. They thought that the hearing in which Comey incorrectly stated that Huma Abedin forwarded hundreds of thousands of emails to Anthony Weiner gave them cover to do it.

If I comment on this post, can I have some of the money that NBC is paying you to write reviews of this awful show?

This shit is completely insane.

When one third of your band is dead, you can not continue being a band.

She could have made a much better joke about David Spade trying to date her, what with his history of dating much younger women, but she likely has no idea who the fuck he is.

Remember when Justin Trudeau and Enriqu Pena Nieto talked Trump out of dissolving NAFTA? It came out today that apparently that talk came to be because some of Trump's aides asked Trudeau's team to have Trudeau call Trump and convince him to keep it around. The same aides also likely called Pena Nieto's people and

The National Security Adviser position requires a higher security clearance than Flynn previously had. He apparently never was granted it before his firing.

That was such a strange thing to parody 14 years later. I loved it. This episode was straight weirdness all the way through.

As a huge Fast and Furious fan, I'd be alright with him taking over the straight man white guy role that Paul Walker had before his death in that series. He'd definitely be better than Scott Eastwood.

Blue skies television was fun.

Wait, James Patterson isn't dead?

Hey guys! You like Pod Save America! We have a Pod Save America related post!

Trump has now spent 36 of his 108 days as President at a Trump branded property. That is exactly 1/3 of his time. 23 of those 36 have been at a golf course.

The Senate has already said that they will not be voting on the AHCA. They have a group working on writing a new bill. All white men.

And some sort of personality disorder.

Movie of the year: Beauty and the Beast. Done reading.

But then if you can't afford your medication and you wait until you're very ill to go the emergency room to get care, it has absolutely affected your health. You didn't used to get really ill, because you could afford your medication regularly. Now you can't.