Doctor Professor

It would be best if we all chose to ignore Tomi Lahren. So let's start doing that, please.

It was quite a bizarre day in foreign policy.

Looks like a very normal slice of chocolate cake.

That video was only 1:38 and I still got bored halfway through.

Every new tentpole movie seems to take this record away from the last tentpole movie. I do not care about it one bit.

That's too bad. Sophie Turner is a really horrible actress.

It likely will not pass, but just the fact that they've introduced it is awful.

Three representatives in North Carolina have filed a bill, House Bill 780, which would outlaw same sex marriage in the state, and invalidate any existing same sex marriages. They say that the Supreme Court "overstepped its constitutional bounds" when it ruled on same sex marriage in 2015. And just when we had finally

According to an anonymous Senior U.S. Official, the preliminary conclusion that has been reached is that yes, Russia knew about the chemical attack before it occurred.

Manu Bennett and Katie Cassidy returning means what we've always feared. Next season, the flashbacks will just be scenes from season one.

Every single day is national something or other day now. This has gotten out of hand.

Have to bring Han back a second time somehow.

This might be the first Thor movie that I watch.

If they had dumped all that garbage with Frannie and Child Protective Services, maybe they could have devoted a little bit of time to why the hell the public and the Intelligence Community hates the President-Elect so much. None of that made any sense, and neither did her heel turn at the end.

Also, because I have both it and Doubt on my ballot, and I'd like it very much if they finished #1 and #2 in this vote.

Trump has now spent his 10th straight weekend as President at a property that he owns. He has been president for 12 weeks.

I'll go with APB, because even though I know I read about it when I put it on my ballot, I have no clue what the show is.

Clicking the retweet button is free, and very low effort.

His name is Carter.

I don't totally disagree, but I found the story rather pleasant, and quite emotional. As a 32 year old male, I came very close to tearing up at points. Plus it's so incredibly astonishing visually, that really bumps the grade up a lot.