Doctor Professor

Sure, and Putin also won his most recent election with 63% of the vote in a field with 4 major candidates.

Did it? What exactly went nuts? An actress that is leaving the show to be a lead on another show died, then a whole bunch of background players got shot.

Holy shit. They actually went with the total stall season finale. I thought they might, but I really hoped they wouldn't.

Well yeah, Amber Heard is in it.

This is the worst news ever.

I am quite looking forward to the TOC due to it bringing the return of ludicrously cute Kirsten.

In openly calling for the defeat of Justin Amash, they have violated the Hatch Act. So that's fun. And will be entirely glossed over.

You absolutely can't trust approval numbers in a totalitarian state.

Agreed entirely. This review totally baffled me, as I thought the episode was a failure on every level.

This is not the comments section for the IT trailer article.

The MRA's over at T_D are going to be upset about this.

As I was hitting post on my comment, I thought maybe someone would bring that up, but then I figured that we'd moved past such things. I was wrong.

This show seems like it should be well beyond the casting news stage at this point. Will it ever actually air?

It's understandable that he doesn't have a lot of love for this franchise. He was pretty clearly being set up to take it over as the lead, then Tom Cruise decided he wanted to keep going, and Renner got relegated to supporting character status.

April Fools' Day is not a federal holiday that needs to fall on a business day. This is ridiculous.

But they never paid it off by having him stand up. Even outside of Forrest's sight.

The thing is, no one has accepted his offer to testify in exchange for immunity. A reason for this with strong potential is that they already know everything he'd have to say, and don't need his testimony.

The Washington Post has an article on the incredibly bizarre direction the State Department has gone in under Tillerson. He isolates himself from the rest of the department, and other diplomats, and seems to understand that the proposed 30% budget cut to the State Department is a horrible thing, but is taking it

It really sucks that NC didn't get a complete and total repeal of HB2, but this was the best he was going to be able to get manage a completely Republican controlled legislature. He also isn't thrilled about what we ended up with, but at least it's a step back in the right direction, and it does repeal the

It would also be Michael "When you are given immunity, that means you've probably committed a crime." Flynn.