Doctor Professor

A little bit victim-blaming.

Yeah! Victim blaming!

You must not watch a lot of things.

Bullshit, asshole, no one likes the tuna here. [Fist Fight Ensues]

Oh my god yes.

Seriously. I applied to one school, knew I would get in, did, and went there. it's pretty easy to tell if you have any chance of getting in ahead of time.

It is incredibly odd. Was the reviewer really worried that if he wrote "Gloria Estefan concert because he failed to buy them for Gloria." we'd get confused and think he he was buying Gloria Estefan tickets for Gloria Estefan?

That armored helicopter with a shark painted on it does sound pretty rad.

It'd be rad if my president wasn't a damn embarrassment.

Wireless headphones are no more of a pain in the ass to charge than any of the other myriad devices we carry around with rechargeable batteries in them. You just plug them in. There's nothing extra complicated about it.

He started out the paragraph describing Selena Gomez, but then sneakily transitioned into describing the scene from Mac and Me.

A dinosaur? Everyone knows dinosaurs didn;t exist and they're just a hoax perpetrated against young Earth truthers.

Probably because it's based around real events, so he doesn't have to figure out where the story will end up. Just like with American Crime Story.

The Raid: Redemption is for some reason on Crackle.

This would be the same Roger Stone that has admitted to having colluded with Wikileaks.

You can't just up and introduce Venom out of the blue. This is a terrible idea.

I care less about stupid things like this that he does and more about all the awful shit his administration did today.

He also said on climate change research: "We're not spending money on that anymore. We consider that be a waste of your money."

Huh. Good for him for not breaking and continuing to work. I don't know that I've seen him in anything as an adult, but maybe one day I will. These have been my stream of consciousness thoughts that I felt the need to type out for you all. And I always leave out the first "s" in "consciousness" for some reason.

This is a really pathetic world we live in. Acknowledging that gay people exist really shouldn't be this big of a problem.