Doctor Professor

I can not agree with you one bit. The character didn't do her any favors, but she was awful.

Depends on if you think Russia or the U.S. is a more powerful country. Or if it doesn't matter because we have Putin's puppet installed as our president.

Cary Fukunaga can sign on to the project and then quit it.

And that's why Skynet decides to destroy us. So thanks for that.

And since someone is going to do it, it's actually a very good idea to figure out how to do it so you know how they're going to do it and what signs to look for that it has been done, and put safeguards in place to stop people from being able to do it.

Wikileaks is a Russian backed propaganda machine fully working for team Trump. It is no coincidence that these leaks easily incite anger and doubt in the CIA's capabilities. The Intelligence Community is kicking up dirt on Trump and Russia, and Russia is firing back with propaganda. It's what they do.

I did forget the transmutation ability because they haven't used it in so long. And Amaya can fly? I don't think I knew that.

Yeah, that part could be tougher, but it's Elizabeth. She gets around problems like that.

I'm so incredibly befuddled that a show with this budget can do a CGI T-Rex that, while not wonderful, isn't intensely terrible, but the most recent episode of The Walking Dead had a CGI deer that was translucent and flickering.

The Firestorm CGI is expensive. He flies around and shoots fireballs at people.

As long as Vandal Savage and the hawk people don't come back, I think we'll be fine. Arthure Darvill is a quite capable actor, and the show seems to know what it is now.

While I absolutely am quite a fan of Amaya, fan response to just about anyone would have been considerably more positive than it was to Kendra. She was a horrible character with no depth whatsoever, and the actress did an intensely awful job. Plus, up until recently she was a barista.

As long as Paul Ryan can get tax cuts for the rich, he'll support anything Trump wants.

I spent the entirety of the opening credits sequence repeatedly muttering "What the hell is going on?" to myself.

I have decided it would be fun, but totally out of character, if the final sequence of this show was Phillip and Elizabeth being given a new mission to indoctrinate a wealthy man to run for president a far time in the future, their handler hands them a yellow envelope, they open it, and inside is a 1980's photo of

Elizabeth said they adopted him when he was 10. He could have been in America before then. Easy fix.

A few days ago, Roger Stone tweeted and deleted that he has a legal back channel to Julian Assange. Sure seems like this dump happened at quite a coincidental time in order to levy distrust in the CIA and their investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Unless you're like David and are able to hide in your brain.

The AARP estimates that premiums could rise $3,600 for 55 year old earning $25k a year, $7,000 for a 64 year old earning $25k a year, and $8,400 for a 64 year old earning $15k a year.

I wish that was what they had done. The plan they've laid out is intensely awful.