Doctor Professor

Yeah, but then the rest of the judges table seemed to shut Graham Elliot down pretty hard on that and said that they all liked the oyster.

The dessert course is the least important of the courses on Top Chef, and Brooke pretty clearly won the first two courses and the third course was a near tie.

It's entirely possible that at the moment, she assumed she must have forgotten to put it on the list because it wasn't there, but later she discovered that she did put it on the list and they didn't deliver it. That is entirely plausible, as pork belly would have been on both lists, and the hotel mistakenly only

The moment of Shirley's mom asking her sister how to tell Shirley that she is proud of her in English was truly wonderful.

Maybe I'm one of those idiot savants, did you think of that, smart guy?

That would make sense, with Charlie Day being in both things. When they needed a warehouse set, he probably remembered the one they used from that movie.

I can watch both shows at the same time because I'm a super genius. Nevermind the obvious fact that I didn't watch Sunny until Friday night, shortly before leaving this comment.

When exactly did Jared Leto become so incredibly insufferable? Back in 2005, shortly after 30 Seconds to Mars released their second album, I saw them open for My Chemical Romance, and the whole band was hanging out at a meet and greet tent in between sets. I went over and talked with them and they were really nice. I

I used to smoke a pack and a half of cigarettes a day. I vape now instead. It's much cheaper, I don't hack up disgusting chunks of phlegm when I wake up, and all my clothes don't stink of smoke. It is absolutely not cool though. My goal is to eventually stop vaping too.

Meesa at dinner authorizing the Yemen raid!

I'd still rather listen to it than this song. Which is also incredibly bland and generic.

Fuck you, people on the internet. There is a god damn line, and this is over it. Do not spread their addresses online, and do not go to their houses.

Carly Rae Jepsen is much better than this. Even her worst sing is more interesting than this generic song.

I'm with EMG here. This song is very bland and mediocre.

I'm fairly certain that putting pants on is not a requirement for McDonald's.

Ha. Well I'm sorry about that too now.

Also, he was awarded the Medal of Friendship by Vladimir Putin.

As many as it takes.

While Franken's question may have been about campaign related communication with Russia, what Sessions said under oath was "I did not have communications with the Russians."

My bet is the next to get snared in the Russia controversy is Tillerson.