
I think when they've decided to implement new content in old areas it's been a mixed bag. There's a problem with largely empty/dead open spaces now and population concentration-but if you spread characters out more, you have factions at very different points grouped together, which can be fucking horrible on PvP

Can't we talk about both? At the same time?

I can't disagree with you there: I'm not a fan of how professions have been treated. It's strange completing Enchanting quests after beating dungeon bosses. I do a lot of dungeons so it's not a problem for me, but I can see how it would be for others.

Not a competitive game, but I am dying to get my hands on Gloomhaven, a cooperative legacy game which should be released in the next month or so. I play-tested it and man, that thing going to be great when the final version gets to the table.

I love Legion and it feels so much more fulfilling and rewarding than Warlords of Draenor. I found that expansion's emphasis on Garrisons more fragmenting than Legion's emphasis on Class Halls, which is still not great but an upgrade from WoD.

It's a great game and I can't recommend it enough. I thought I was burned out on everything Pandemic, and I was, until this game came along.

Which server? I'm on Emerald Dream right now, I disabled trade chat yesterday. I couldn't handle it anymore. Somebody was using bloviated language to defend keeping the minimum wage low and I reached my breaking point.

World of Warcraft: Legion. It's Feast of Winter Veil and Santa's waiting for you at Iron Forge! (I don't think Horde celebrate fake Christmas).

What a terrible choice to make into a movie. It's up there with "Dreamcatchers" and "Insomnia" as far as worst King novel.

Cary Fukanga is no longer going to be part of the remake.

Just came looking for the same thing.

Man, India: They had almost no power but their defense was ridiculous. I hated playing India, beating them took forever.

If you want to read the most academic article I've ever read about a TNG episode, feel free to dig deep on this one about "Darmok": http://www.theatlantic.com/…

I think it'll have little impact on the working class one way or the other- the economy has been in shambles for anyone who isn't incredibly rich for a good decade or three.

"The EU isn't perfect" is a very, very large understatement.

Isolationist sentiment and xenophobic biggots may have run the day in the UK, but the last I checked I thought the EU was supporting privatization and free trade policies-this picture of the EU as a representative body of the "everyman" seems ridiculous. Let me know when a global body that represents the collective

He isn't very memorable in the new Star Trek movies, but I was surprised by how good of an actor he was in Fright Night. Also, Colin Farrell should only be typecast as villians in horror movies now-he was really excellent in it. I want him to go the Ethan Hawke route of trying to build up his career again one above

You need to get all your friends above average sized dicks too!

C'mon…don't do this without the cookie monster voice. I can't take take your comments seriously otherwise.

I don't find book 5 to be a mess-it seemed very cohesive and well-paced to me, I really enjoyed it. Re-read it many times. But yes, I didn't care for book 6 or 7 much at all.