Mike Dominick

The fact that it's a Brett Ratner film was enough to keep me away from it.

Ray Donovan sucks. It's a total wannabe show.

D'Souza is a hard-on. The idea that America is infallible, and that somehow is beyond questioning of its own past is completely absurd. All D'Souza, and by extension conservatives, do by believing such a thing is show the rest of us how the authoritarian mind set really works.

I love her, and think Scott Pilgrim is one of the most underrated movies ever made.


Agreed. 20 years ago I adored that album, but couldnt possibly stomach it today. Downward Spiral will always be his masterpiece, too.

Ministry's "Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste" is the best jump-off point for industrial, and where I think a lot of people started. It's new, but yet familiar if you grew up on metal, and has great songs, particularly the opening track, "Thieves and Liars". From there I'd go to "Broken"by Nine Inch Nails. I was a

He also watched them film a scene, which brought on the tears as well. Im not arguing whether or not E7 is going to be good. In my gut I think it will be based on Abrams, the inclusion of the original cast, and the prequel trilogy acting as a big neon sign telling everyone what not to do.

I did. It only got worse because of Jeff Anderson's line readings even though he has some funny dialogue a times.

Professionally. Ignoring him, chewing him out, not wanting to work, refusing to do multiple takes, etc.

It wasn't the first time Smith had trouble dealing with traditional Hollywood actors. I heard he had a really hard time with Linda Fiorentino while making Dogma, but then again, I heard she's just difficult in general, and probably a little more nuts than most actors.

Yeah, that's true. All of it was novel when he originally did it, and was actually imitated in a lot in other films of that era. It just seems kind of trite now, and didn't age so well.

I'm sure that played into Willis being a prick the entire production. But, nevertheless, Smith was really bullied by him.

I'm actually curious what it's about.

The few stories I read about the making of that film are terrible. it sounds like Bruce Willis had no respect for him as a director, and simply bullied him the whole film. I read somewhere that one exec said he would never get hired in Hollywood, and now the Weinsteins are even passing.

yeah, you're right. it seemed kinda ridiculous that he had a tear in his eye after watching one sequence being filmed. I think he's flabbergasted, like most of us will be when Episode 7 hits, that they made the film with actual sets, and props, and it LOOKS like a Star Wars film and not the bland, computer generated,

I'd have to agree with that. Even though he can't make a film worth a squat he still has presence, and media seem generally interested in his opinions. I hate to say it, but he's kind of a tastemaker, or at least that's how they sell him. he's really just a fanboy though, and I guess that's what he's always been. i

He's kinda done, huh? How did he even get access to the Episode 7 set? I can't even trust his report about how the film is going because he gushed over the incoherent, dull, and pointless prequels. And how many good films has this guy made? One: Chasing Amy. The first Clerks is passable, although I tried watching it

I loved the book, but the TV series version is just not working for me. I can't find a single character that I care about, or like. No, this doesn't mean I need "likeable" or affable characters to enjoy a story. These characters are simply uninteresting. Why it worked in a book, I don't know? Maybe because you're