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    Donna had so much heart in this episode… and so much genius. Please don't ever allow her to leave the firm under any circumstances :-)

    Me too. Every episode twice but this one. I seem to have missed out on a few important details but I'll be damned if I watch it again.

    "Merging deep sweetness and high silliness"… very well said!! In no other show do I feel the everyday-love so much :-)

    Is it just me or was this latest episode kinda finale-ish? I had to google the list of eps to figure out it wasnt THE end.

    I can empathize with Catherine's frustration… but she really doesn't have to throw John out to have the career of her dreams. They can change their equations, the way they relate to each other, and figure out a way to make their lives better together. Why not take some time apart and then reconnect as friends? Without