
peanut butter makes me sick :( even the smell.
i never had it as a child and when things were thawing up between the US and Hungary, my dad's auntie visited us and brought a jar.
needless to say I ate way too much and was sick for days.

ok I take your example using metacritic:
Wynonna Earp 68%

haha well when we went to Italy i realised that Pizza is supposed to be this lovely thin crusted fresh stuff with toppings and never any ketchup or mayo. Pizza offerings had improved since in Hungary too.

yes, that. it used to be such a treat for me too! my favourite choc milkshake is till McD. I've never taken that much to BK though.
btw things changed for us exactly 1989/1990 as well, I was 14. when the first Adidas shop opened there were queues around the block.
before that if you wanted Western stuff you had to go

I liked Dark Matter but Killjoys s1 was better and wynonna earp s1 was ace.

yes, wouldnt eat there every day on a holiday, we did go to the famous restaurant street mostly on our stopover.
McD do have some fun local varieties, I had reindeer burger in Finland, Rovaniemi at the north circle.

luckily where I live now in the UK it's not gendered. but even looking through the comments, some where a bit like 'if you cant cook you're a rubbish human being'
comparison driving is good, because yes for many people it's considered an essential skill, but you can still have a pretty good live without it.

Sour cream sounds interesting, I'll suggest it to the husband. I'm originally Hungarian, we have sour cream with everything

I can actually make eggy bread / French toast. That's basically it with me and eggs unless we include hard boiled

As long as you don't put milk or water in the mix. Ffs why do the British do that, you go down for your hotel breakfast thinking yeah, I'll have scrambled eggs, only to be sorely disappointed.

I know that, my hubby never really follows recipes. I heard it all. It's weird how unacceptable it is not wanting to learn to cook. Seems OK not wanting to learn to drive or swim or lots of other things. Although it's often the same with not wanting kids.

I agree, especially as you haven't shown any evidence why would Better Call Saul be better quality. Just saying so doesn't make it so.
You haven't listed any of your metrics or criteria on how you measure quality just accused me of not understanding 'quality' programming

Haha I would order that, I like venison.

Thanks I did make it that far. And whisking it up too. It's the bit afterwards in the frying pan that didn't work out. It was all brown and burnt
I'm OK with preparation or making a salad. It's the actual cooking bit I fail at.

So your metric is based on budget only? Lower budget doesn't mean low quality. I base quality on how engaging the story is, how good the acting and script is.

Having cleaners is great but you feel like you have to tidy up every time before they come.

Only when I got to travel a bit after uni did I realise you're not supposed to drown pizza in ketchup and mayo

Some monster movies are way better than Oscar winners both in enjoyment and quality.
Those are not lowbrow shows btw just because of their genre

I see it as driving. Some people I know don't like to drive and don't do it. Yes it makes life less convenient and sometimes costlier but why force yourself do something you find zero pleasure in?
I could also learn skiing too if practiced enough but I tried it and decided it's not for me.
It's weird how cooking is

so true. I thought maybe I can try that, it looks easy, even for my non existent skills. bought some posh proper patties from Waitrose, those thick ones. they burn on the outside and stay raw on the inside.